Day 35 overall, Day 28 afloat, Petersburg to Rods Cove. (June 25, 2015) Blog Reader, Blog…
Month: April 2021
Day 31 overall, Day 24 afloat, Ketchikan to Lake Bay
(Sorry about the delay in posting but I am trying to catch up here. We can’t…
Day 32B overall, Day 25 afloat, Lake Bay to Petersburg (Pictures only)
Photo 1- Still counting the range markers on the way into Petersburg Photo 2- Standing out…
Day 46 overall, Day 39 afloat, Juneau to Petersburg (Special Post by Andrew Mom and Michael- Our first guests aboard )
Come in Blog Reader this is Michael at the blog. The admiral has handed the blog…
Day 27 overall, Day 20 afloat, Prince Rupert to Foggy Bay
Blog Reader, Blog Reader, Blog Reader, good morning this is Tammy at the Blog with only…
Day 32A overall, Day 25 afloat, Lake Bay to Petersburg
Pictures: Wrangell Narrows and the view coming out of the narrows and into Petersburg. It took…
Day 31 overall, Day 24 afloat, Ketchikan to Lake Bay
(Sorry about the delay in posting but I am trying to catch up here. We can’t…
Day 33 & 34 overall, Day 26 & 27 afloat, Docked in Petersburg and waiting out the weather.
Blog Reader, Blog Reader, Blog Reader, this is vessel Domino with Tammy at the Blog. Weather…
Day 29, 30 overall, Day 22,23 afloat, Still slipped at docks in Ketchikan
Blog Reader, Blog Reader, Blog Reader, this is Tammy on the Domino. We are still slipped…