We are off!

Whoa, are we tired. Two days of learning with the boat owner and a captain we…

Great Googly-Moogly

Whoa, are we tired. Two days of learning with the boat owner and a captain we…

Windows Chartplotting with OpenCPN

Because I’ve been lent a really fantastic little gadget by BP – a Sprint/Netgear USB cellular…

Arrived @ the Boat

A few hours later than planned, but we’re here on the boat on dock I of…

Paradise Falls, Meet Paradise Valley

The road south from Livingston, MT to the north entrance to Yellowstone just south of Gardiner…

State #5

We’ve decided to take the northern route, I-25 north from Denver through Wyoming (#5), then 90…

We aren’t in Kansas anymore?

You know the saying, "We aren’t in Kansas anymore". Well…… we are actually still in Kansas…

Adira Breeze

Adira Breeze